Monday, December 10, 2007

Generation Flash Response

Lev Manovich pulls together many aspects of art in his essay, "Generation Flash." I enjoyed how he explored the Internet, image, animations and media( to name a few) so in depth. When flash began a few years ago everyone was in awe by the new techniques out there. Today we don't think twice when we take part in this phenomenon. In fact most of the time we don't even notice. We download music, pictures, and t.v shows everyday. We are capable of editing them too. We are definitely part of something big and Flash is the right name for it.

"Think sample verses the whole work. If we are indeed living in a remix culture does it still make sense to create whole works--if these works will be taken apart and turned into samples by others anyway?"

I do not know the answer to this question, but I thought it was interesting and wanted to see if anyone else had and idea. =]

"Suddenly programing is cool." aka software artists are not geeks.

Flash is a big part of our culture and it continues to converge in different aspects of media.